What's in it for you?

    1. Intro video: The benefits of '5-Star' short courses. Make the right retail decisions fast for your business!

    2. Step 1: The video tutorial - 6 ways you should talk to your customer

    3. Step 2: The Brainstorming Exercise - What can you tell your customers to generate loyalty & sales?

    4. The Brainstorming Exercise - template download

    5. Step 3: Create your Action Plan - How can you consistently have the correct conversations?

    6. Create your Action Plan - template download

    7. Test your understanding - Summary revision questions

Simple to action. Quick to benefit.

  • £97.00
  • 7 lessons
  • Complete in 1 day to 1 week
  • Individual or team workshops
  • Improves sales performance

How we teach you to talk to your customers

It's about focusing your mind on the right things, asking yourself the right questions, finding the right answers, making the correct decisions... and planning how to act on those decisions!

  • What level of emotional interaction does your customer actually want? Don’t waste time, effort or money delivering conversations that are of no consequence to your customers!

  • What do your customers actually care about? Consider what to talk about and when and how to change the area of conversation!

  • Where and how can you improve your customer touchpoints to say clearly & powerfully the things your customer wants to hear? Invest intelligently in shop designs, display & theatre, people, services, ‘tone of voice’, social media & CRM!

  • When should you talk about what, to your customers? Learn how to say the right thing at the right time!

  • Does your customer believe you when you speak? Learn what you need to change about your brand, your shops and your people, to be an honest and genuine speaker!

Start talking your way to more loyalty and more sales.